
目前顯示的是 12月, 2012的文章

[韓文] 從~下調至~

新聞標題: (出處: 朝鮮日報20121227 ) 내년 성장률 4%서 3%로 전망치 낮춰 中文 標題:韓政府將明年經濟增長預期下調至3%


還是有點不懂。 平均餘命是 life expectancy,是指各年齡組預期能活到幾歲的平均。 平均壽命是life expectancy at birth,是指0歲嬰兒這一年齡組預期能活到幾歲的平均。 所以...我們平常愛說的「女人通常可活的比男人久」,意思是「平均壽命」而非平均餘命?

[英譯] 「回補」不是restocking (兼談「淡季」)

科技的東西不好翻,但其實,說起來以下這種句子也不算很科技吧...應該算是商業用語才對, 但...弄了好一會兒才弄懂。 先看以下句子: 由於4月下旬中國勞動節 庫存回補 需求不如預期,2Q12除少數平板計算機及智能型手機新機型上市 備貨效應 外,多數系統產品及記憶卡應用市場依然持續受到1H淡季效應影響,呈現疲弱不振的狀況。  inventory replenishment for China’s Labor Day holiday was not as expected. Furthermore, aside from restocking for certain new tablet PC and smartphone models hitting the market in 2Q12, most system product and memory card application markets remain sluggish, affected by the 1H slow season .

[新聞] 後金融危機時代看央行獨立性

FT Analysis and comments: The aims of central bank independence The concept of independent central banking goes back at least as far as the founding of the US Federal Reserve in 1913. It came into its own after the collapse in the early 1970s of the Bretton Woods semi-fixed exchange rate system – set up by the leading economies in 1944 – and the US decision to abandon dollar convertibility – the system whereby holders of dollars had been able to redeem them from the government in exchange for gold. To continue reading, click here

[笑話] 集錦


[好用] 網頁閱讀及網頁筆記

網頁閱讀及網頁筆記-firefox外掛 http://www.freegroup.org/2009/08/awesomehighlighter/ http://blog.finalevil.com/2008/10/firefoxdiigo.html 好用再加一:離線閱讀  http://blog.finalevil.com/2008/10/firefoxzotero.html

[經濟] 金融體系

pdf : Overview of the financial system http://www.econ.ucdavis.edu/faculty/gala/ECN135/ch02.pdf 或 html   http://fazalmaboodsw.blogspot.tw/2009/11/functions-of-financial-markets-and.html


測試: http://www.blogthings.com/areyourightorleftbrainedquiz/ 意外發現,我還蠻平衡的咧:55%左腦,45%右腦。

[俚語] PB&J

什麼是PB&J? 提示1:食物 提示2:美式