

  • Minister of State 不是部長
  • 如何變成女爵(baroness)

* Minister of State 


1. 「副手」---- 副部長、次長、次官

2. 字面上可譯為「國務大臣」,但並非內閣成員,通常是政治任命(而且必須是國會成員)。
→ 此次來訪的英國交通部次官(Minister of State for Transport),亦是國會議員(見下一條)

英國議會政治制度:代表多數民意的執政黨議員,負責組成政府,出任內閣首相和一眾大臣職位,制訂國策,並指揮政治中立的文官系統(civil servant)去執行。但政府亦會作出一些政治任命(例如任命國務大臣及政務次官),去協助大臣們作決策;簡言之,英國政府部長分三級,最高級為內閣大臣,其次順序為國務大臣及政務次官。」
3. 若沒有特別專管部門,則Minister of State就等於 Minister Without Portfolio(相當於台灣的政務委員

4. 「部長」官銜常用Minister或Secretary。但是,Minister of State ≠ Secretary of State

美國的Secretary of State 是「國務卿」。
英國的Secretary of State 是「內閣大臣」(注意:屬於內閣閣員、位子相當於我們常說的部長、其後+for代表其掌管的部門)

* 另可參考 維基百科:部長/各國情形

英國交通部長(交通部大臣):Secretary of State for Transport (=Transport Secretary)


* baron / baroness 男爵/女爵


Wikipedia的解釋是「上議院House of Lords),直譯貴族院,是英國國會上院(upper house)」。


"Baroness Kramer was appointed Minister of State for Transport in October 2013. She is a Liberal Democrat Peer"




★ 台灣學習英文以美式英文為主,加上對西方世界的了解,也是以20世紀以來的國際霸主美國為主,所以大英國協的政治制度、乃至於文化風俗等等,我們都不是很熟悉。

★ 外賓送錶、市長失言風波(gaffe)的英文報導:

(UK) The Guardian "British minister in cultural gaffe after giving Taipei mayor 'taboo' watch"

(UK) The Telegraph "British minister breaks taboo with watch gift to Taipei mayor"

(UK) BBC "UK minister apologises for Taiwan watch gaffe"

(US) CNN "British minister breaks taboo with watch gift for Taipei's mayor"  (此篇還提到美國總統之前送英國首相及英女王的禮物,也都不甚恰當)

(外電) AFP (Jan26) "British minister and Taipei mayor in double gaffe over watch"

(外電) AFP (Jan27) "Taipei mayor apologises to British minister over watch gaffe"

(台媒) RTI : "Taipei mayor apologizes for pocket watch gaffe"

(台媒) CNA English "Taipei mayor apologizes over 'scrap metal' gaffe"

(台媒) Taipei Times "Ko apologizes for ‘throwaway’ timepiece statement"

(台媒) Taipei Times "Timeless wit: Ko Wen-je has no time for timepieces"

★ 或許這次事件也有助外國人了解華人文化不適宜送鐘錶的禁忌。就像AFP形容這是"double diplomatic gaffe",雙方都有失禮之處:

台灣的報導則主要環繞在新市長的失言(off-the-cuff remark gaffe)


Giving someone a clock or watch as a present is traditionally taboo in Chinese culture due to the similar pronunciation of “giving a clock” and “attending an old person’s funeral”. <The Guardian>

In Chinese culture, it’s a social taboo to give other people a watch or a clock as the objects are considered an ill omen. The Chinese phrase for “give clock” sounds like “sending you to your death”. <RTI>

Baroness Susan Kramer apologized for the inadvertently inauspicious gift -- the word for a watch or clock in Chinese sounds like "the end" and many associate it with death. <CNN>

Guides to Chinese business etiquette often carry a reminder to never give a timepiece as a gift. The phrase “giving a clock,” or 送鐘, sounds in Mandarin too much like “paying one’s last respects” to the deceased, and the act of it is one of a few taboos based on Chinese pronunciation. <New York Times>



[文法]三寶請注意:Drive Safe!

[術語] 報廢的英文怎麼說