[術語] call loan

*  call loan   複合名詞  拆款

  • a call loan; call loans  
  • the call-loan rate (把複合名詞當形容詞)

a call-loan rate increase   (大寫規則參考AP style,有意義的字就大寫 - A Call-Loan Rate Increase)

= an increase in the rates on call loans (無 hyphen)

Financial Dictionary at investinganswers.com
" A call loan is a loan that the lender may force the borrower to repay (也就是 call the loan) at any time."

to call the loan : 參考來源

What does call a loan mean?
to demand the immediate and complete payment of a debt/loanThe bank recently called the loan of the small business.

「CALL LOAN指的是短放其中的一種;

  • 可隨時叫對方還款 (call the loan)
  • 議價:可談要用多少利率借貸


金融業拆款利率 Interbank Call Loan Rates 由於金融業在營運過程中,存款、放款與投資隨時都在變動,常無法準確控制資金的流入與流出,因此,為因應日常營運週轉金及維持法定準備金的需要, 金融業間通常以同業拆款方式來進行資金盈虛的調節,而金融業拆款利率就是指金融機構間借貸資金的利率。「金融業拆款中心」每日揭示的拆款利率,依期限別, 包括隔夜、一週、二週、三週、一個月、二個月、三個月、四個月、五個月、六個月、九個月及一年等最高與最低拆借利率,其中隔夜拆款利率並揭示以當日隔夜拆 款成交金額為權數計算的隔夜拆款加權平均利率,提供作為貨幣市場短期利率指標之一。[6] During the actual operations within the financial industry, the amounts of deposits, loans and Investments constantly change all the time. It is often difficult to precisely control the inflow and outflow of their capital. In order to meet their operational needs and reserve requirements, practitioners in the financial industry often use inter-bank borrowing or lending to adjust their capital flows. The so-called inter-bank call loan rates refer to the loan rates for inter-bank borrowing. The highest and the lowest call rates are announced daily by an Inter-bank Call Center for 12 separate durations namely overnight, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months 6 months, 9 months and 1 year. The trading volume of overnight call rates are treated as a weight to calculate the weighted average overnight call rate, providing a short-term interest rate benchmark in the money market.[6]

可能是美國史上最年輕的Fed governor(理事) Kevin Warsh,曾於2009年一篇演講 [The Panic of 2008] 談到bank panic的情況,其中如是說:

"Increased withdrawals of interbank deposits exceeded the money center banks' ability to meet demand, and payments were suspended to other banks. The scramble for funds spilled over into the money markets, where rates on call loans to brokerage houses, considered at the time to be very liquid investments, soared to extreme levels."



[文法]三寶請注意:Drive Safe!

[術語] 報廢的英文怎麼說