[字辨] cater to vs. pander to

cater to 量身打造、配合、迎合  (中性)
pander to 迎合、曲承  (負面)


cater to: to provide or supply what amuses, is desired, or gives pleasure, comfort, etc. (usually fol. by to or for): to cater to popular demand; to cater to an invalid.

pander to: to act as a pander(a person who caters to or profits from the weaknesses or vices of others); cater basely: to pander to the vile tastes of vulgar persons.

So, you could cater to the needs of the handicapped in your restaurant by having wider isles and doors, or you could pander to the desires of the greedy and corrupt management by cramming as many tables as possible into the dining area.



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