簡單來說,devaluation 是刻意為之,例如希臘如果退出歐元區,就可將希臘貨幣刻意貶值,以此減債。(是一種 currency re-valuation,台灣在全面換成 新台幣 的時候,也是這樣) depreciation 則是一般匯市波動下的匯率下降。 NY Times這篇寫得很清楚: Many writers treat devaluation and depreciation as synonymous. This may be what confused Mr. Harrington. Clarity dictates restricting devaluation to a deliberate change in the official value of a currency like that of the dollar in 1933-34. Depreciation is the right word for a fall in the price of one currency in terms of the currencies of other countries in response to supply and demand. Source: Dollar's Depreciation Isn't Devaluation Published: February 22, 1988 其他可參考之文章: