[新聞] 香港空氣污染情況

HONG KONG—Diesel fumes from aging trucks老舊(old trucks) and buses that clog Hong Kong's narrow streets are putting Asia's financial hub(=Hong Kong) on course for one of its worst years ever for roadside air pollution.

The city prides itself on its reputation for modernity that attracts professionals from around the world. And though smog regularly obscures Hong Kong's famed harbor, some pollution has become an accepted fact of life.

But air quality has taken a turn for the worse. 每況愈下

Last month marked Hong Kong's worst October for roadside pollution—air quality measured at street level—since the Environmental Protection Department began keeping the data in 1998. On 25 of 31 days, the air was bad enough that the government urged children, the elderly and the frail 老弱孺 to stay indoors. In November, warnings have been issued for 15 of the first 24 days.



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