[英文] acumen, hone (兼記 to home/hone in)

In Fujian, Mr. Xi developed his business acumen and honed his political skills by tackling the sensitive question of relations with Taiwan


China's New Boss

Xi Jinping has charisma, a common touch and a beloved pop-star wife. But can he reform a Communist elite accustomed to the fruits of corruption?

  •  acumen (plural acumens)
— n  <Collins>
the ability to judge well; keen discernment; insight 敏銳度;判斷力;洞察力

— 常用語  <Wikipedia>
Business acumen is keenness and quickness in understanding and dealing with a business situation in a manner that is likely to lead to a good outcome.[1] 

  • hone 磨刀石(n.) → 磨練(v.)
1 <OALD>to develop and improve something, especially a skill, over a period of timehone something She honed her debating skills at college.
hone something to something His body was honed to perfection.


to hone in (on sth.)有個挺有意思的討論 --- 

  • 疑惑:to home/hone (?) in on sth.


但現在去查字典也會發現,許多字典不但有to hone in的片語詞條,其註釋也跟to home in一樣。

有關這個片語疑惑的討論,大多都會加上這麼一個感慨或觀察:「語言不是僵固的;會隨使用及時間而改變」(eg. "language is fluid"  或是 "language changes" )

附上<Merriam Webster網路字典>的用法解釋
Usage Discussion of HONE IN

The few commentators who have noticed hone in consider it to be a mistake for home in. It may have arisen from home in by the weakening of the \m\ sound to \n\ or may perhaps simply be due to the influence of hone. Though it seems to have established itself in American English (and mention in a British usage book suggests it is used in British English too), your use of it especially in writing is likely to be called a mistake. Home in or in figurative use zero in does nicely.

  1. 一般認為to home in 是正規用法;嚴格來說,to hone in 是拼字錯誤,不應該將錯就錯。
  2. to hone in 有人認為是因為也可以合理解釋,而逐漸「被扶正」的新用法(hone雖是sharpen / refine 之意,to hone in 有「更精確來講」的意味 → 或許可解釋為有 move toward (a certain issue/topic)的語義 。);
  3. 此外,在使用上,除了American English如此,British English中也漸採用;
  4. 結論:身為翻譯兼審稿人員,我還是乖乖使用無爭議(這三個字很重要)的to home in on sth.吧。


字典解釋 --- 

    hone in     
1. To move or advance toward a target or goal: The missiles honed in on the military installation.
2. To direct one's attention; focusThe lawyer honed in on the gist of the plaintiff's testimony.

  • <Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary> --- 查hone這個字,並無hone in的片語用法

  • <Collins> ---  Hone is sometimes wrongly used where home is meant: this device makes it easier to home in on (nothone in onthe target
  • <Merriam Webster> 說:to hone in 是to home in的另用: 
                        Origin of HONE IN
               alteration of home in
               First Known Use: 1965

*home in on +
直搗 (問題核心);切中 (要害);瞄準 (目標)
The government is homing in on benefit fraud.

*hone in on +
全神貫注於…;瞄準 (目標)
The company honed in on its rival and tried to take it over. (有些人認為這片語動詞是錯的;它跟 home in on 很容易被搞混)



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