[俚語] 我不是在詛咒你唷!(give 'em hell )


Give them hell!  (them有時縮寫為'em, 因為這句很口語)

Break a leg!

"Break a leg!" 或許不少人學過,因為很多補充教材都會教,而且歷史悠久。

"Give them hell!"可能更口語一點,所以乖乖上課的學生恐怕一輩子都不會學到。



  • break a leg: 

= good luck! 通常用在對要上台表演的人祝福一切順利

<Merrian-Wester> [informal] used in speech to wish good luck to someone (such as a performer) 

<Phrase Finder> Said to actors for good luck before they go on stage, especially on an opening night.

  • give them/someone hell: (口語、較豪邁)

 1.  [加油用語]  給他們好看/難看 (中文真有趣啊...)     
something that you say in order to tell someone who is going to take part in a competition to try as hard as they can to win <Cambridge idiom dictionary; Free dictionary>

e.g. Remember, you're the best. Now go out there and give them hell!

2. 讓他們慘兮兮
M-W:[informal + somewhat impolite] : to yell at or criticize (someone) in an angry way
Her boss gave her hell for coming in late.

Random House Informal. to reprimand or reproach severely



  • break a leg 

這句算是文雅的吧!因為這是跟戲劇表演無關 (但,很可惜,並不是出於幾百年來歐洲舞台劇的傳統)
根據The Phrase Finder 網站解釋:此言來自演員在首演之前的迷信:因為怕"good luck"會跑掉,所以乾脆講反話,祝人上台跌斷腿,反而就能把厄運趕跑。
The term 'break a leg' appears to come from the belief that one ought not to utter the words 'good luck' to an actor. By wishing someone bad luck, it is supposed that the opposite will occur. 

  • give someone hell

一般而言,give sb. hell 在英式用法會是「狠狠批評、大罵」;帶有較為負面的意味;


根據Wikipedia,杜魯門1948年競選連任時,支持民眾高喊 "give them hell, Harry!" (as from "Harry" Truman),台上的杜魯門聽到了,給了個有名的回答:「犯不著這麼做,我只要揭穿對手的真面目,他們就會如同下地獄了」
The title comes from an incident that took place during the 1948 Presidential election campaign. Whilst in Harrisburg, Illinois, Truman delivered a speech attacking the Republicans. During the speech a supporter yelled out "Give 'em Hell, Harry!". Truman replied, "I don't give them Hell. I just tell the truth about them and they think it's Hell." Subsequently, "Give 'em Hell, Harry!" became a lifetime slogan for Truman supporters.

於是後來便常用give them hell 來表示支持對方在競爭當中打敗對手。
"give 'em hell" 大有「給敵人好看、把他們打到落花流水」的意思。




