[字辨] Make a decision? Take a decision?

This is not a "make or break" question. It's a "make or take" question, rather literally.

( ↑ 我竟然用英文講了個超冷的笑話 )

總之,翻譯法律文件時,看到 take a decision一詞,
當下感到不妙:take a decision的意思,跟make a decision是不是不一樣呢?



make a decision 為美式
take a decision 為英式


1. 兩者可以相等,亦即 make a decision = take a decision = DECIDE (沒錯,用一個字不就好了?)

2. make a decision 就是一般的做決定都可以用;take a decision則是"important, official, after careful considering" (深思熟慮後做出的重要決定,通常是正式的或政府、機構、董事會等所做的決定)


I'm new here but hope I can add to this old thread - perhaps other new comers may benefit too.

Aside from Longman dictionary (take a decision =make an important decision, especially after considering carefully), other authoritative dictionaries may also help shed light on this "take or make" question:
"take a decision" is British English usage, equivalent to "decide" (so it seems here that "take a decision" = "make a decision")

"take a decision" may imply the decision is important and official.

I also referred to the English usage books at hand:
  • Merriam-Webster's doesn't have an entry for "decision."
  • Garner's Modern American Usage says "take a decision" is an example of British English invading American English in the late 20th century.

From the discussions under this thread and my own search, I got the idea that "make a decision" is mainly AE, while "take" is BE.

However, it seems to me that even British references begin to slight (or forget) the use of "take a decision."
Another guess is that the phrases of "decision-making" and "decision-maker" have become business buzzwords, hence the winning popularity of "make" a decision over "take."

I personally would say "make a decision" in most cases, but I'll consider using "take a decision" in accordance with M-W dictionary explanations.





[文法]三寶請注意:Drive Safe!

[術語] 報廢的英文怎麼說