
目前顯示的是 2014的文章

[術語] 報廢的英文怎麼說

報廢: obsolete (a) scrap (v) retired (a) dispose of (v) revoke (v) ~    to dispose of defunct  machines  ~   the scrapping of cars [scrap: v.t.  將……作為廢物;將……拆毀] ~ (to write off) obsolete inventory/stock  (減記)報廢存貨 [此為會計用語]

[諺語] 好酒沉甕底

這篇不是要談閩南語中的「好酒沉甕底」如何英譯 (當然,既然「好戲」總是壓軸,我還是會收集一些寫法,列於本篇文末) 。 寫這篇的緣由是筆記在書上跟網上看到的錯誤: 首先,是某本書認為「好戲在後頭」有對應的英文諺語,亦即 The best is behind. 但是...光看 The best is behind 這句就有問題啦。

[鬥知識] 品客洋芋片 crisps vs. chips

早上在小七發現品客(Pringles)兩種特殊口味洋芋片:爆酸黃瓜與酷辣BBQ) 一時興起,想知道它的小故事。 洋芋片? Wikipedia說 -- 由於同業抗議,美國食品藥物管理局最後裁定:Pringles不能稱其產品為 potato "chips", 於是公司(當時是P&G)將名稱改為 potato "crisps" 。 但是,這也有問題--如果品客賣到英國去,可能就會引起混淆了: 這又是一個美式英文與英式英文的問題。

[誤譯] 影集翻譯抓漏- have a thing for sb.

上週看電視時,抱怨了一下Law and Order的翻譯 但,如該文所說,人非聖賢,孰能無過 --- 結果在平常較少出錯的影集中也看到了 影集:罪案第六感 (Perception) 原文:I had a thing for you. 誤譯:我有東西要給妳。

[習語] 鹿茸的兩難??on the "antlers" of a dilemma

繼 bumbler 之後,經濟學人雜誌再度教導大家,「鹿茸」這個不久前橫掃台灣媒體的buzzword,原來英文叫做 antler 愛玩文字遊戲(尤其是標題)的經濟學人, 下了這標題 on the antlers of a dilemma ,自然也是有典故的

[誤譯] Law and Order影集的翻譯問題....

照理來說,現在做影視翻譯的人這麼多, 應該水準會比較整齊、優良了吧? 不!

[新聞] 台灣學生前往立院抗議服貿

純粹記新聞英文: WSJ photo gallery and captions: (source please see wsj.com at  網址  ) 1. Students occupied Taiwan's legislature to protest the ruling party's maneuvers to ratify a controversial trade agreement with China. 2. Students used furniture to block the entrance of the main chamber of the Legislative Yuan in an effort to prevent the police from getting in. More than 1,000 students gathered to protest a trade pact with China. 3. Protesters hung signs with slogans protesting the trade pact with China in the main chamber of Taiwan's Legislative Yuan. The Chinese characters on the banners read "Occupy 51 hours 「佔領51小時」 " and "The president with 9% approval ratings threatened the legislature to approve [the trade pact] in three seconds. 「九趴總統威脅立法院三秒過關」 " 4. Students sleep on the floor of Taiwan's legislature in an occupation they vow to continue until Friday, or until the ruling party agrees to review the trade pact with China. 5. Student pr...

[新字] Bitcoin

金融字彙: Bitcoin [專有名詞] 比特幣 (bit 在此是「位元」的意思,因此也有人譯為「位元幣」) Bit coin is a term that's coin ed for a type of virtual money (hence "coin"). ----------------- 上面那句解釋是我自己亂寫的,只是因為想玩玩coin這個字: coin 的名詞義為 錢幣、硬幣, coin 當動詞用,想當然爾有「鑄造錢幣」之意, 但也有「 創造,杜撰(新詞等) 」的意思。 連我都想拿這字來玩文字遊戲,以觀點精闢、寫作精鍊聞名 (我會不會太狗腿) 的經濟學人雜誌怎麼可能不想, 於是,今天就在它的網站上看到了這麼一篇文章, 看看那標題,好妙啊!

[電影] franchise

The other day I came across the word  (I bet there'll be a lot of my blogposts starting with this sentence) franchise watching TV. blah blah blah....the CSI franchise....blah blah blah... I didn't what it meant but it's not hard to guess, especially after I bumped into an entertainment news on the "Holmes franchise" done by the Iron Man. 基本上一看到 franchise 這個字,我們這種ESL(把英文當外語學)的人能夠知道是 連鎖加盟  就算中上了。 < Macmillan > eg.:  Most   of   the   Burger   King   outlets   operate   as   franchises . 因為我們的英語教學(學校系統,而非補習班)教材很少用上它的另一個字義: