純粹記新聞英文: WSJ photo gallery and captions: (source please see wsj.com at 網址 ) 1. Students occupied Taiwan's legislature to protest the ruling party's maneuvers to ratify a controversial trade agreement with China. 2. Students used furniture to block the entrance of the main chamber of the Legislative Yuan in an effort to prevent the police from getting in. More than 1,000 students gathered to protest a trade pact with China. 3. Protesters hung signs with slogans protesting the trade pact with China in the main chamber of Taiwan's Legislative Yuan. The Chinese characters on the banners read "Occupy 51 hours 「佔領51小時」 " and "The president with 9% approval ratings threatened the legislature to approve [the trade pact] in three seconds. 「九趴總統威脅立法院三秒過關」 " 4. Students sleep on the floor of Taiwan's legislature in an occupation they vow to continue until Friday, or until the ruling party agrees to review the trade pact with China. 5. Student pr...